
that's a wrap

Just wrapped up a five-day shoot with the Camp 4 Collective.  (Keep your eyes peeled for a backcountry skiing piece to drop this summer :).

Also, this post wraps up another season of the Chronicle, as I am off to Kamchatka in a couple days.

Another simply marvelous winter exploring the Absaroka Beartooth, North Absaroka Wilderness and YNP.  Thanks for reading.  Have a great summer!


getting after it

Just thought I'd give props to those who get after 'it'.  
(regardless of the way.  or your style)
You know who you are.  Or you know someone who does.


Mint conditions

with the Powder Technician...

rain/snow/or shine

Live tomorrow.  Celebrate spring in fine style, with the Park County crew-  a bike ride from Mammoth to Norris (16 years running!)  11am at the Upper Terraces parking area, or 9am at Timber Trails if you are keen to carpool from Livingston.  I'm sure they'd love to have you along.


It's not a race

Don't let your sluff convince you of a race.
(somehow I was convinced.)


Bootjack Gap

Nice to mix in a little of the long and far.  To complement the steep and gnar.

My roomates are currently three days in, on a planned 6-8 day traverse from Wapati (North Shoshone), on up by Dead Indian Peak, through upper Sunlight Basin, around the Bootjack Gap/ Hoodoo Basin region, eventually schussing their way back to Cooke (or out via the Lamar).  Big tour!  (60+ miles)
Safe travels.


tunnel vision

great corn skiing to be found right now..
funny how Tunnel Vision can take effect though.
(the steep north aspects are in)
Lutefisk Sandwich

(a remnant of the ancient Crandall volcano..)


Easter Sunday in YNP.

Also, noted about half a dozen of these.  (all north facing)

In case you are looking to get after 'it'.

Shout out to the GNFAC

Just wanted to give a big shout out to the GNFAC. (today is their last forecast day for the season)
Doug, Eric and Mark consistently stick their necks out to bring us the most accurate weather, snowpack  and avalanche forecasts, which is genuinely appreciated.

Next time you see them at the Ale Works, buy them a brew and pat them on the back.
They deserve it.  It's been an eclectic forecasting season.

And thank Karl too!


Spectacular Day in the Hills

with Clark



and Pat and Larry.  
Thanks gang!



followed fresh Grizzly Bear and Wolf tracks up Town Hill today.

(precisely why I like this place)

 (photo from today, a two-hour walk from town.)

fresh in from the Far East

Good times out East, but incredibly psyched to be back in Silver Gate.

This time last year I was just returning from a YNP/ North Absaroka traverse.
Photo of the Calfee Creek patrol cabin.
(how cool would it be if the Park Service had a different policy regarding that network?!)

Endless possibilities.