
snowpits and powder skiing

self portrait, today in YNP

 Somehow this film had eluded me until today.
What does this have to do with Cooke City, backcountry skiing or the Absaroka Beartooth?
Maybe nothing.  (but I could give 100 reasons).

And oh yeah, apparently Jay and a buddy sent Granite Peak last week.!
A remarkable idea.  Good on ya fellas.
Wonder if they took their skis to the top?

As seen last May.

If any of you rope guns are keen to drag me up the mixed steps in that SW direct (for a ski descent) later this spring, I’d take a few photos…


  1. Excellent self portrait. How did you capture that? Continuous shutter/remote trigger or something?

  2. I'll climb those mixed steps with you, photos not required.
