
What's it like to ski tour in Kamchatka?

One morning I had a pack of wild dogs sneak up on me. 
It was right around dawn, and we were making a long ski traverse between 2 volcanos, 50 km from the nearest road. A thick fog slowly gave way to epic alpenglow, and three or four wild dogs (huskies/ hyenas) from behind..!

Or the time we had to bushwack through a remote air-force base; around a runway, with a fleet of MiG figher jets just a five iron away. Jumping into the bushes when a jeep would pass; there’d have been trouble if they’d have found us.! Hardly speaking a lick of Russian as we did…

Or when we were invited to tea with some Itelmen shamans. ‘I feel like I’ve known you my whole life’. ! (via translator ;)

Not quite Cooke City.  But close!


  1. Hmmm... some of those places look very familiar... Very nice video. Makes me want to go back soon!

  2. Anmei !!! Woo hoo! Cheers to the Gulag Hut ;).

  3. Tex...great work on the video. My Favorites are the head nod's into the camera and the eights!! I lead you follow..

  4. Bad ass... finally got around to watching this. Had to wait for some big screen access to do it justice. Nice job! Your films keep getting better.
